Gold-Cup in Meran

52. Gold-Cup in Meran

05.05. - 13.05.2025

Traditional tournament in the Alps played in the Hotel Kolpinghaus in Meran.

The announcement 2025 in PDF - - - applications 2025

The old town of Meran has been attracting tourists for more than a hundred years. The merchants streets called "Lauben" and the famous "Promenade" at the borders of river Passer and the newly built Therme are a few of many attractions of Meran.
The spring will have arrived already when the chess tournament is here. Apple trees are in full blossom and show an exceptionnal scenery.

The image shows the Kurhaus in the center of Meran, few minutes walk to the exquisite district Obermais with its traditional hotelery.

Getting here
By car: the fastest way is with the Brenner-Autobahn via Bozen, exit Bozen-Süd in Meran. Alternatively you can drive the Reschenpass, but even there you might have to pay Maut for a small section of Austrian motorway.

The approach to Meran is also handy per Bahn or airplane (Bozen (Flights via Rom) , Verona oder Bergamo) . Bustransfers ab Flughafen werden angeboten.

Bavaria and das Hotel Palma .

Bavaria Hotel

Enjoy the pool, spa and so on! Call us or send an email!

Year 2024

Round #1 - - - R2 - - - R3 - - - R4 - - - R5 - - - R6 - - - R7 - - - R8 - - - R9


Applications 2023

Round #1 - - - #2 - - - #3 - - - #4 - - - #5 - - - #6 - - - #7 - - #8 - - #9

Announcement 2023

Listings about edition 2022

Participants 2022 - - - Announcement 2022 . . . Ranking
Round 1 - - - Round 2 - - - Round 3 - - - Round 4 - - - Round 5 - - - Round 6 - - - Round 7 - - - Round 8- - - Round 9

Participants- - - Ranking- - - Round 1 - - - R2 - - - R3 - - - R4 - - - R5 - - - R6 - - - R7 - - - R8

from 2019

Participants 2019 --- Pairings Round #1 --#2 --#3 --#4 --#5 --#6 --#7 --#8 --#9
The famous chess tournament in South Tyrol has had 25 participants in 2018, favorite FM Peter Kargoll (SK Frankenthal) who won the tournament already in 2010 made it again. A fantastic scenery and the special ambience in Meran offered unforgettable days also beside chess. FM Kargoll got 7.5 and the trophee. Klaus Kretschel followed with 7 out of 9 the last game with Georg Haase end up in a draw.
In 2019 the tournament will be held in Hotel Kolpinghaus with 9 rounds swiss!

Open 2018
Teilnehmer ---Ranking

Pairings round #1 ---round #2 ---round #3 ---round #4 ---round #5 ---round #6 ---round #7 ---round #8 ---round #9


The 45th Gold-Cup in Meran has had 37 players. FM Volker Seifert won with 7 points out of 9

Result of the Open 2016

Participants Rangking
Pairings Round 1 || Round 2 || Round 3 || Round 4 || Round 5 || Round 6 || Round 7 || Round 8 || Round 9

Bulletin #1 - Bulletin #2 - Bulletin #3 - Bulletin #4 - Bulletin #5 - Bulletin #6 - Bulletin #7 - Bulletin #8 - Bulletin #9

36 participants at 44.Gold-Cup, the winner is Klaus Kretschel (Fuerstenfeldbruck) with 8.5 / 9.

The winner of the Gold Cup 2015 is FM Volker Seifert! He got 7,5 points and was followed by FM Peter Kargoll with 6,5. Martin Harsch from Switzerland and Hans-Uwe Kock from Liechtenstein came third and forth with 6 points.

Report from 2014: The 42. Gold Cup ist finished: The winner is Claudio Popa! With equal points Martin Harsch und H.Neumann shared 1.-3. place.

The tournament was fought until the last round. Hans-Uwe Kock won against Sergej Perman, so a draw was enough for Claudio Popa to clinch the victory. Timothy Spanton (Hastings) took 6. place. 14-years old Denis Perman, who is training with Artur Jussupow, reached the 11. place.

The tournament 2013:

The winner of the Gold-Cup 2013 was Frank Fleischer from Ulm.

9 rounds Swiss System, 40 moves in 2 hours and 30 minutes extra time to the end.

Peter Kargoll, Sieger 2010 Saal im Kolpinghaus Bondick-Graf Ausflug Schenna